Hello All,
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and taking the time to read my vision. After reading this, I hope you understand me better and what I can bring to your journey.
I grew up in a small midwestern town. Everyone knew everyone, I felt like I needed to get out, but I knew I needed a college degree first.
I knew I wanted to be a Registered Dietitian (RD) since the 5th grade. I took a test to help direct me toward a career that would match my interests and I got RD in my top 5. We had to research out our top answers and write a summary. I found it incredibly fascinating that someone could help someone through nutrition. I felt compelled to continue working and learning more about this subject. I found myself looking forward to my nutrition class in high school and started occasionally cooking for myself/my family. Next, I graduated from high school and found myself in a college that was not specializing in the degree that I wanted. I transferred down to Eastern Michigan University and found myself not getting into a Dietetics Program the first time that I had applied. I realized that I needed to be more marketable to the program and
got a minor in Psychology. I fell in love with trying to figure out what made people “tick” and figure out how I could help them to make different behavioral changes.
As a new RD in the realm of working within mental health, I felt like a fish out of water. I did not have an understanding of how to counsel clients that were coming in with some serious issues. Many of these clients were looking to me for guidance on how to help them, while I was working out my “imposter syndrome.” I felt very underqualified in my first job and was trying to do no harm. When I look back on it, I would have benefited from some further education about counseling skills and guidance on implementation of different interventions.
It was not until I acquired the necessary support systems for myself, to start feeling confident in my work. I had two wonderful supervisors that helped me to better understand how to handle certain client situations.
It was not until later on when I became a supervisor myself that I realized that I really enjoyed working with new RDs to help develop their counseling, education and personal development. I can pass along the information that would be helpful for new RDs to acquire to help feel successful and motivated in their work with their clients. When thinking about opening up this business, I wanted to create something to try to help RDs that are new to the field of working not only within mental health but support new RDs in general. Of course, there is going to be an emphasis on eating disorders due to the field that I started off in. My hope within building
this website; is to provide training/workshops, and continuing to work with practitioners, and create space around working with more compassion and understanding about societal impacts on certain marginalized groups.
Thank you for reading my blog and I look forward to hearing from you. If you are
interested in setting up a supervisory call please click the link below